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1. Block Party (Street Closure) Request Permit
2. Walk/Run/Parade Permit
Columbus Park
Farner Ave Complex
Farner Ave Complex - Field 1- Grant Ave
Farner Ave Complex - Field 2 - Farner Ave
Farner Ave Complex - Tennis Courts
JFK Park Pavilion
Keegan Center- Large Meeting Room
Logan Ave Sports Complex
Logan Ave Sports Complex - Basketball Court
Logan Ave Sports Complex - Field 1 - Logan Ave
Logan Ave Sports Complex - Field 2- Columbus Road
Logan Ave Sports Complex - Field 3- Rt. 130
Mitchell Ave Field & Courts
Sixth Street Park
Tatham St Basketball Court
Waterfront/Promenade - Bandstand
Waterfront/Promenade - Large Soccer Field
Waterfront/Promenade - Small Soccer Field
WWIS Field
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Activities Only
Reservations Only
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Facility Reservations & Requests
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facility list
to request or reserve if available.
Sixth Street Park
A: Boat Ramp Permit
A: Camps
A: Classes & Activities
A: Fitness
A: Senior Recreation
A: Special Events
A: Sports
A: Summer Recreation
A: Trips
A: Youth Sports Programs
R: Ball Field or Court
R: Park
R: Pavilion
R: Soccer Field
: Game
: Practice
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